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text Veronica Sgaravatti

Andrea Luparelli
Sartoria Ripense Sartoria Ripense Sartoria Ripense
December 3, 2019

Impeccable style

Andrea Luparelli, master of elegance in his Sartoria Ripense

Andrea Luparelli

What made you fall in love with this profession?

My imprinting with regard to the sartorial art goes back to when, as a child, I used to play with my grandfather’s fabric swatches; I would stack them and play with them, creating improbable constructions. I remember taking great pleasure, even then, in caressing different kinds of cloth, with various patterns.

What makes your garments so special?

Every garment is a story constructed on the client’s physicality. An important event, an occasion or simply a visiting card, a way of being. Every garment is a story, never coincidental.

What kind of man are they designed for?

A man who pays attention to detail, to the excellence of a fabric accompanied by a cut that time makes precious.

What distinguishes a true gentleman?

The memory that he leaves of himself. 

The most original request you have ever received?

You don’t ask for extravagance from a tailor’s shop like mine. The real extravagance of a contemporary client is to be impeccably classic.

In the wardrobes of which well-known people do we find your creations?

Prestige is very subjective, I have dressed actors, brokers, designers, but my greatest satisfaction is to have as a client a Senegalese gentleman, of great elegance, very influential at the entrepreneurial level in France. In these cases, I realize that fame does not go hand in hand with prestige.

A special place in Rome? 

Piazza di Pietra is my favorite, the right combination of history and art. A place full of energy and elegance. 

Sartoria Ripense Sartoria Ripense Sartoria Ripense

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